What Can You Do to Be a Better Long-Distance Caregiver?

Senior Care in Lowell MI: Long-Distance Caregiving

Being a long-distance caregiver is far from easy, but it’s definitely possible. And if you’ve got all your bases covered, you can be a really efficient family caregiver even from afar. Get Yourself Organized. If you’re a generally disorganized person, long-distance caregiving is going to be painful. Do yourself a favor and get yourself a…

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How Can You Deal with Guilt as a Long-Distance Caregiver?

Elder Care in Kentwood MI: Long-Distance Caregiving

Guilt is a painful emotion because it leaves you feeling inadequate, even if you’re running as hard and as fast as you can. Addressing the situation head on is the best way to get through these feelings. Acknowledge What You’re Feeling So You Can Deal with It. Until you acknowledge your feelings, you can’t really…

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