Five Items Your Mom Will Want After a Fall

Elderly Care in Hudsonville MI: Five Items Your Mom Will Want After a Fall

Each year, 25 percent of American men and women over the age of 65 falls at least once. Preventative measures will help. You can remove clutter, fix loose flooring, and improve lighting, but it can’t prevent every fall. If your mom falls on an icy sidewalk, trips on stairs, or falls out of bed, you…

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Seniors and Slip and Fall Accidents

Home Care in Kentwood MI: Slip and Fall Accidents

There are few things more devastating to an elderly person than when they are injured in a slip and fall accident. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2.8 million elderly adults are treated in the emergency room each year for slip and fall accidents. They also report that one in four elderly…

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5 Things a Doctor Should Check if Your Aging Loved One Falls

Senior Care in Rockford MI: 5 Things a Doctor Should Check if Your Aging Loved One Falls

It is fairly common knowledge that the elderly are more prone to falling than the rest of us. It is something that caregivers and senior care aides always have to be prepared for, and something that could happen at any time. It is not usually something that happens for no reason, though. Someone (even an…

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