Protecting Your Aging Parent from Heat During National Sun Safety Week

Caregiver in Jenison MI: Protecting Your Senior from the Heat

June 3rd through 9th is National Sun Safety Week. When thinking about keeping your aging parents safe in the sun, it’s likely your first thoughts are about wearing sunscreen, preventing sunburns, and lowering the risk of serious issues such as skin cancer. It’s important to remember, however, that the sun also means heat, and elderly…

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How to Avoid Lyme Disease This Tick Season

Elderly Care in Ada MI: Avoiding Lyme Disease

Summer is tick season, and that means that it is also potentially “Lyme disease season.” Lyme disease is caused by a tick bite, and can present symptoms like a target-shaped rash, fatigue, and flu-like symptoms like fever. Sometimes, Lyme disease goes undiagnosed for an excruciatingly long period of time, and it is often misdiagnosed as…

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Watch Out for Ticks and Your Aging Loved One

Elder Care in Ada MI: Ticks and Your Aging Loved One

If your aging loved one isn’t an outdoor enthusiast anymore, you may think that reading an article about ticks and seniors is a strange combination. However, just because your elderly loved one isn’t out hiking mountain trails doesn’t mean they can’t encounter ticks. Especially in spring and summer in certain parts of the country, it’s…

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